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Android signing keystore details from Gradle properties


We may want to keep our Android project keystore details out of our source code and Git by passing them in. Aided by a handy function, these can be referenced from Gradle in Groovy or Kotlin.

import org.gradle.api.Project

fun Project.propertyOrEmpty(name: String): String {
    return findProperty(name) as String? ?: ""

android {
  signingConfigs {
    create("upload") {
      storeFile = file("upload.keystore")
      storePassword = propertyOrEmpty("UPLOAD_STORE_PASSWORD")
      keyAlias = "keyname"
      keyPassword = propertyOrEmpty("UPLOAD_KEY_PASSWORD")

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Andrew Lord

A software developer and tech leader from the UK. Writing articles that focus on all aspects of Android and iOS development using Kotlin and Swift.

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