Protecting secrets in an Android project
Managing secret values in a way that doesn't make them easy to extract can be difficult. We will explore techniques we can apply to keep them out of source control and how to secure access to them.
Android signing keystore details from Gradle properties
How to pass keystore passwords into Gradle from outside the project.
Set up Kotlin source directory from Gradle Kotlin DSL
Configuring a Kotlin named directory for source code when using the Gradle Kotlin DSL.
Testing on Android using JUnit 5
How we write and run unit tests can be greatly improved by using JUnit 5 on Android, which has been available for a while. We will look through what is required to get it setup and the changes it makes to how we write tests.
Enable Java 8 compatibility for Kotlin sources
How to set up Java 8 source compatibility for Kotlin source code.
Manage Gradle dependencies using Kotlin code in buildSrc
Using Kotlin source files to easily access dependencies from our Gradle scripts.
Manage your Gradle dependencies in Kotlin, even from Groovy scripts
As projects grow we can quickly run into issues with dependency management. We will explore the ways Gradle allows us to define our dependencies, ending with looking at using Kotlin source files and easily accessing them from our Gradle scripts.