Embed a SearchBar into a TopAppBar in Jetpack Compose
Search is a key part of providing an intuitive user experience in many apps. Let's look at how to embed a SearchBar into a TopAppBar to create a polished search experience.
Installing and running Swift tools with enforced versions
When working on Swift projects we want to ensure that tools such as SwiftLint or Sourcery are easy to use and that all developers are using the same version. Let's look at some different options and how we can enforce consistent versioning.
Authorization and retrying of web requests for OkHttp and Retrofit
Most remote APIs require some form of authorization in order to access them. We will explore using OkHttp Interceptors and Authorizers to authorize our web requests for use with OkHttp and Retrofit.
Manage automation tasks using Swift Package Manager
To perform automation tasks on Swift projects, such as linting and code formatting, we often need to use command line tools or run scripts. Let's install them and manage it all with Swift Package Manager instead!